Reiki for Fertility


Maybe getting pregnant hasn’t been easy for you.

Like many people, you want to be a parent. You assumed conceiving and having a baby would be a natural, problem-free process, but this hasn’t been your experience. Receiving an infertility diagnosis, realizing that getting pregnant will be difficult for you or experiencing miscarriage or any type of pregnancy loss can be extremely painful, stressful and exhusting. You may feel that your sense of identity and life dreams have been taken away from you.

It’s natural to have high levels of stress or anxiety as you face complicated medical procedures, difficult decisions, and the uncertainty of infertility treatments. Feelings of grief and depression from repeated fertility trials and cycles of hope and disappointment are normal. You may wonder if you are to blame, or you may feel angry, powerless, or overwhelmed.

I’m here to tell you…

You are not alone!

I have also felt the sting of pregnancy loss & through my own healing journey discovered the healing benefits of Reiki. The energetic support I experienced in each reiki session I had helped me heal from the pain of grief I was going through. Reiki works on the body’s energy and because the foundation of every cell in our body is energy, it helps to remove energy blocks and restore balance so all of the reproductive glands and organs can be supported to do what they are meant to do – reproduce! It also helps to balance the entire body, supporting your mental health & stress levels during an extremely emotionally challenging time.

In a fertility session, I look at your entire being- your physical body, your mental body and your energetic body including the reproductive system and other supporting systems to explore where the problem areas are. I then work with Reiki energy to resolve the energetic and emotional issues that are tied to creating the fertility blocks. As well as use the holistic wisdom of Ayurveda to support your physical body with diet, lifestyle and herbal recommendations to increase your fertility chances and reduce stress. Our sessions are held virtually via zoom. Many times during a session my client's guides or angels may come in with a message, their body might give me a message or even their higher self. I work in partnership with your body as well as your spirit team to help bring balance and harmony back into your body. We then discuss what the session unfolded for each of us and I provide any follow up recommendations.

This session is also used before I begin working with people who are starting an IVF cycles or IUI procedures. In this we assess and unblock the energy to support success in those medically supported processes. We then create a custom fertility package that continues to energetically support you on retrieval day, transfer day, the 2-week wait as well as support the embryo fertilization- each fertility package is customized to your own journey and situation.

By introducing Reiki and Ayurveda into fertility treatments, I have seen this aid in the most beautiful ways to ease stress, bring a more positive outlook as you journey through each step and, while no one can guarantee, aid in successful pregnancies.


 How can Reiki Help?

Reiki supports the mind, body and spirit, providing balance to the entire you, energetic and physical. Reiki supports the growth of follicles and development of healthy eggs, the fertilization of eggs and assisting the embryo to implant in the uterine lining. It can also be a vital partner when suffering from the loss of pregnancy and helping you heal from the grief that loss brings.

  • Reiki clears blockages in our energy field that cause imbalances in the way our body operates.

  • Clearing these blockages allows for the healthy development of follicles, healthy eggs and their fertilization and allowing the embryo to attach to the uterus.

  • Reiki helps to remove emotional and mental imbalance- helping the client to align and connect to their womb space in a more positive way.

  • Often times it’s common to receive messages from your spirit guides, ancestors and angels while in a session. These messages have proven to be just as supportive to my clients as the reiki session itself.

A Fertility Reiki session is for anyone who longs to be a parent. This is a safe space for women, men and non-binary. This is a safe space for those who have chosen abortions and would like support. No matter your background, I take pride in meeting each of my clients with love, compassion and it is my role to help you receive the angelic and energetic support you deserve.

Who this is for…

  • Anyone of any gender who is struggling to get pregnant whether naturally or with the support of medical treatments.

  • Anyone grieving from miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy or any type of pregnancy loss no matter how much time has passed.

  • Anyone recovering from abortion.

  • Anyone who has decided to pursue a child-free lifestyle after infertility or pregnancy loss.


Common Energy Blocks that cause Infertility

  • Physical damage to the energy field from major life events like car accidents, past surgeries (your energy is leaking out instead of supporting reproduction.)

  • Hosting anger or resentment over a long period of time that lodges itself in the body.

  • Emotional energy registered in the body from sexual abuse.

  • Emotional energy from regrets or anxiety over past abortions.

  • Emotional energy founded in judgment or guilt about having sex from strict religious backgrounds.

  • Past Life or Ancestral energetic trauma that has been carried into this life.


Schedule a Consult

Because you are a unique individual, this service is customized to your unique needs! When you schedule a time to chat with me, we will go over where you are on your journey and together, we will create a plan that fits your needs.

This could mean we schedule alongside any IVF, IUI or other medical treatments, or we create a schedule that works while you are taking a break from treatments. That is what this consult is for, us deciding what your needs are and which service will be best for you!

Fertility Reiki is available via virtual and in-person for those local to Portland, Maine.

Book your free consultation today!

Jenni June has worked with a number of people with fertility challenges. She is known for listening to their challenges, work closely with them and harness Reiki energy to support and heal their body in a way so it functions the way it should. With the added support of Ayurveda, a holistic science, she has seen many people go on to have successful pregnancies.

Because of her own experience of having 2 ectopic pregnancies and the grief she held afterwards, she knows first hand the heaviness that comes with a fertility journey. She holds each of her clients in loving supportive space as they walk their own life journey and provides angelic support from the other side.

See if working with Jenni June on your fertility journey is right for you.