Life is meant for
Not living for your parents, your friends, your colleagues – but actually living the life YOU want.
You’ve spent your life feeling obligated to give yourself to other people and at the end of the day, there’s nothing left in the tank for you. You worn out, beat down, and tired of giving your life-force away to others!
It’s Time!
Your soul opened the path and led you to this page because deep down you know you are ready to make the relationship with yourself THE MOST juicy, wild, passionate love affair of your life!
Friend, I’m here to tell you that once you decide to drop the armor you’ve been carrying, the flood gates of self-love will lead you to healing, wholeness and a joyful life beyond your dreams.

Maybe you can Relate?
🌸You’ve spent much of your life following the “should’s” and expectations of society and you fight your inner critic on the daily, stuck in a spiral of self sabotage.
🌸You’ve had a wake-up call: maybe you’ve lost your job, experienced the heartbreak of a miscarriage or death of a loved one, or you’re feeling extremely burnt out on life and know something has to change.
🌸You feel lost, confused, and find yourself numbing it all with endless TV binge sessions of Bridgerton, because all the gorgeous costumes, luscious parties, and steamy love scenes actually make you feel something. (I see you!)
🌸You’re tried of fighting with your inner mean girl and so ready to make peace with her, but have zero clues on how or where to begin.
🌸You feel like you’re settling, but maybe this is as good as it gets?
🌸You know you have major Beyonce-level gifts to share with this world, if only you knew how to unlock them.
🌸You’re curious about the spirit world, you’ve seen signs here & there and are low-key obsessed with the thought of actually communicating with your spirit guides, but you don’t want to tell anyone that.
This is Your
This is your time to shift out of the low-vibe, cookie-cutter life you’ve been told is the “normal” way to live and shed the old patterns that are no longer working for you!
🌸Waking up every morning excited to get out of bed because you’re living a life that lights you the f**k up.
🌸Breaking free from the cage of others’ opinions that have been holding you down. (Uh-byee, stagnant fear & anxiety. Hellooo, roaring lioness!)
🌸You’re speaking your body’s language, hearing your soul’s wisdom and the best part is you have the confidence to trust both!
🌸Taking yourself out on dates, because you’re turned on AF about who you are, and where you’re going.
🌸Knowing what brings you joy and turning into the Duchess of your life who makes time for yourself and schedules joy into your everyday life.
🌸Easily having the inner knowledge and courage to take aligned action- never being stuck by waves of self doubt because you have a direct connection to your higher self.
🌸Connecting to your spirit team and beginning to know them like your besties!

I’m Jenni June and I created the Sacred Becoming as an answer to the soul longing you feel inside.
Because I was there too a few years back, knowing in my heart there had to be a different way of living. I was tired and fed up with hating myself after catching a glimpse of me naked in the mirror. I was curious about our energetic bodies and followed that curiosity for 4 years! It led me to discover ancient earth wisdom that excited me so much I invested in myself and became a Reiki Master, Life Coach, and Ayurvedic Counselor.
So, I made some BIG energetic and mindset changes. I committed to being in deep, joyful relationship with myself and now?
I’m handing you 4-years worth of the ancient wisdom I’ve collected that led me to cultivate a deep self-love and change my life. (Change my career, Move to Maine, Take steps to fulfill my lifelong dream of becoming a Horse mom!)
Plus, I’m sharing the wise breadcrumbs that will guide you to embodying your full, authentic self!

This is your

You didn’t come to this life to live in a mundane, cookie-cutter reality.
You came….
To accept the Invitation from your Soul!
And that’s why you’ve been feeling the inner urge for change.
Remember the good ol’ days when you were a kid? You know, when you could walk up to anyone and instantly become friends? When you would lose track of time laying on the grass and finding shapes in the clouds?
Those were the days before you began to take life too serious and now you want them back.
It’s not a dream, and this program will teach you how to get there. You’ll be living a life where you are intentional about where you place your energy, where you lead with choosing yourself first and you radiate mad self- love that easily pours out of you!
Like you’re full of yourself in the best way that increases your confidence and magic begins to happen around you.

The key to your heart’s desires lie within your body.
They have been placed as breadcrumbs from your soul and it’s 100% possible to follow these breadcrumbs to a happy, adventurous & joyful life!
“Okay, this sounds great, but how do I know what the breadcrumbs my soul left me are?” Friend, you don’t have to look far.
You came into this world as energy first, with 7 powerful vortexes…
Chakras… the breadcrumbs from your soul!

During this 4-month coaching program you will learn how to be in a relationship with your wise body to begin working in connection with the vibrations of your chakras that will transform your life in multiple ways.
Everything is energy and vibration! The answers you seek lay within you, waiting to be re-discovered, translated and followed.
After our 4-months together you’ll walk away with:
A direct line to your chakra energy system for connecting to your truest self.
How to listen to your intuition & your spirit guides so you can have a deep understanding of who you truly are and wake up everyday in love with your magnificent self.
Navigation tools for moving through difficult emotions or triggers- in the shitty times and the good times, you’ll be able to navigate with joy because you have the foundations in place.
Access to each of your internal elements and exactly how to use this energy to manifest the life you long for.
Clarity about your purpose and a map to follow your soul’s breadcrumbs.
Clear insight between ego vs. soul and how to stay on the path of your Sacred Self.
An anchor for your spiritual practices - your backbone when anything feels wobbly/life gets crazy. You won’t fall into pieces and you’ll know how to handle it.

The Modules
Module 1:
Discovering the Breadcrumbs: Get ready... you're about to embark on an exploring expedition into the soul.
You’ll Explore: The portals within you that govern your entire wellbeing and your capacity for joy in all facets of your life
Module 2:
The Energetics of your Roots: Grounding in your authenticity, true self and building your foundation.
You’ll Explore: The mystery of the first chakra and how it informs your openness to life and your ability to be here now.
Module 3:
Drop-kick your Inner People Pleaser: It’s time to dive into your emotional center and shed the layers others have placed on you!
You’ll Explore: The tools to feel & move energy within your body, harnessing the power your second chakra has on regulating major life aspects and events such as your career, & relationships.
Module 4:
Tapping into your Personal Power Center: Put your crown on and let’s Unleash your inner Beyonce, Queen!
You’ll Explore: The Imagination of the third chakra, the enormous power of curiosity and accessing the fire within to make moves towards those deep desires you have!
Module 5:
Letting Love Rein: We access the strongest electromagnetic field within you- heart chakra- and join the self-love club!
You’ll Explore: The intuitive insights, how your ability to manifest your deepest desires out into the world are heightened by your willingness to receive higher vibrations in the 4th chakra.
Module 6:
Say What you Mean to Say: Climbing up the chakra ladder to the throat, flex your bravery muscles as your confidence grows.
You’ll Explore: The energetics of how speaking your truth & expressing yourself aligns you with the present moment and your natural gifts and talents in the 5th chakra.
Module 7:
Third Eye for the Spirit Guides: Let’s meet your spirit team. Are they animals, ancestors, or angels?
You’ll Explore: The greater understanding of the hidden power of your 6th chakra and how fear-based thinking stifles its capacity for higher consciousness and the intuitive insights that it offers.
Module 8:
The Joyful Becoming: Follow through on what lights you up and access higher realms of consciousness at the Crown.
You’ll Explore: The allowing of huge amounts of light into your body from the 7th chakra can facilitate quick and enormous healing opportunities. Take aligned action to follow your dreams,
*BONUS* Module 9:
The One Where it All Comes Together: Open to the art of allowing and its wellspring of abundance by learning to let go of “the need to know”.
You’ll Explore: How your first and seventh chakras work together to create the highest consciousness you’re able to receive and anchor into your being at any given moment!

Meet Your Guide
Jenni June is an Internationally Certified Life Coach, Reiki Master and Ayurveda Counselor who specializes in inner soul and spirit guide connection to live a joyful life!
She supports women who are exhausted from grief and stress, trying to put a “happy face” on in public but at the end of the day find themselves crying their eyes into their pillow wondering if life will ever be colorful again. Through coaching & energy healing, Jenni supports you to re-discover that inner truth that is burning to resurface, building a fierce love for yourself so you can step into a radiant life!
Jenni is a natural intuitive healer and she believes it is her soul’s purpose to hold space for you to honor your soul’s journey, and reclaim your worth so you can fall in love with the wonderful person you are. Stepping into the future with hope and dance in the abundance of life! We all deserve this and it doesn't have to be just a ‘nice to have’.
Through her life journey Jenni found herself at the bottom of the barrel after going through 2 Ectopic Pregnancies, then being laid off her dream job in a company restructure. There was a moment where she felt her life was over and lost all hope or care. Panic attacks consumed her, she barley had the energy to get out of bed each day until, she was touched by an angel. Ok, not literally… but while in the midst of a full blown crying fit, Jenni thought to herself, “I think a part of me is dying.” and as clear as day, she was met with a head to toe peaceful sensation and heard back, “Yes it is, but that also means a part of you is growing!”
From that day on, she explored her inner worlds and went on a quest to find out what or who that voice was from (Spoiler alert, it was her Guides!) She discovered meditation, Reiki healing and how curiosity doesn’t kill the cat, but leads to life- changing happiness. In 4 years, Jenni not only found her way back to herself, but discovered a life more joyful than she could have ever imagined.
Wherever you are in your journey right now, there is always hope- there is always help! Meet with Jenni today and chat to see if she is the right guide for you!
The Investment
This is not another “self help” course - this is deep work.
We’re at a pivotal time in our human history. Now, more than ever it’s vital that we activate our soul’s purpose & intuitive power! You keep feeling the call to this deep work because your gifts are desperately needed to be shared with this world. We need your light!
This program is designed to give you the tools you’ll need to navigate your path with clarity and confidence- discovering that light! No matter where the path takes you. The Sacred Becoming gives you the modalities & builds the life-time foundation so you can always be able to move into the next full version of yourself. (Duchess to Queendom!)
We start September 29th, 2022!
Bi-weekly Live Training and coaching calls
Access to 8 Modules + 1 bonus Module, Bi-weekly Recorded Meditations, Heart-opening Worksheets and Chakra Exercises.
One Virtual Reiki Session to be scheduled during the program.
4-months of Unlimited Voxer Support (M--F)
Goodie Box filled with Sacred Becoming Supplies! !
The Duchess Experience
Pay in Full: $1222
Snag Early Bird Pricing until Sept 14th! $888
4 Month Payment Plan: $380 x 4 months
Early Bird Payment Pricing: $222 x 4 months
The Queendom Experience
Everything the Duchess Experience includes, plus…
Four Private Coaching Sessions with Jenni- to be scheduled 1 per month during program.
Two Additional Reiki Sessions- to be scheduled anytime during program.
These will be 1-hour long & solely devoted to YOU! Your needs, Your Growth!
For the person who wants full body, mind, spirit support!
Pay in Full: $1999
Snag Early Bird Pricing until Sept 14th! $1599
4 Month Payment Plan: $570 x 4 months
Early Bird Payment Pricing: $399 x 4 months

It’s Permission to give the middle finger to old, toxic beliefs & insecurities.
It’s Permission to no longer live a mediocre life.
You are here on purpose.
This space is for the dreamers. The visionaries.
The ones who were never meant to be squeezed into a neat little “so-called-life” or become jaded by the world’s weight.
This is a space where Queens come to break free…
… and step into your magnificence!
P.S. This isn’t just a program,
It’s a Movement!

The Sacred Becoming
I’m ready to become a Queen!
I’m ready to become a Duchess!
Program FAQ’s
+ When are the calls?
Held Bi-weekly at 6pm EST. Our calls will run from end of September until Mid-Feburary 2023. We will have the group vote on either Monday or Wedneday evening before getting started.
+ What are Chakras?
Chakra is a Sanskrit word that means wheel. Their knowledge goes back over 5000 years in ancient Ayurveda medicine. Our Chakras system is the spine to our energetic body and helps your organs, mind, and intellect work at their best level.
+ Question 3?
Answer to the question.
+ Will there be a break over the Holidays?
YES! We will tkae a 3 week break at the end of December and into Janurary 2023.
+ Question 5?
Answer to the question.
+ Question 6?
Answer to the question.