Contact Jenni Jue
Jenni Arnold Jenni Arnold

Jenni came into my life just when I needed her! I've been in contact with other coaches before but her warmth and genuine interest in my growth was unparalleled. As someone with PTSD, I can often get triggered easily but I immediately felt comfortable and more importantly, safe to feel vulnerable with her.

Before my coaching series began, I was kind of just existing. I was unbelievably lonely and I didn't have a sense of direction.

Jenni helped me discover my true self and I learned the power of deep subconscious work paired with meaningful goal setting to manifest the desires on my heart!

Jenni is a bright, shining light! If you are considering coaching with her... don't think. Just do it. Trust your gut and take a leap of faith that your world will be turned upside down in the BEST way possible!

Madeline C.- Denver, CO

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   Contact Jenni June  


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Jenni Arnold Jenni Arnold

When I started working with Jenni I was feeling overly sad and beyond help, it was right at the beginning of the Covid pandemic and I felt like I was buried in fear. Right away, Jenni helped me to reframe some of my negative thinking so I could see my situation differently. We created goals that excited me and for the first time in a long time, I felt hopeful.

Our check-ins every 2 weeks were a valuable time to connect in with me, take note of where I was that week, and discuss potential action items that I could do in the following weeks to get me closer to those goals. She served as a great accountability partner, a cheerleader, and a reliable source during this time. I'm so grateful to have worked with her. I now feel like I kicked the fear I was carrying around before and am living a life full of love!

Cassie P.

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   Contact Jenni June  


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Jenni Arnold Jenni Arnold

Jenni guided me through a very pivotal transition in my life as I started my coaching series on the eve of my 30th birthday. I had recently walked away from a relationship & was ready for the next chapter in my life. I knew I wanted to work on manifesting my ideal partner, what she helped me find was that I had the answers within myself to become the happiest, most lit-up version of me first!

I found a new level of love for myself and I’m intentionally adding in moments in my days that bring me happiness. Many times she allowed me to give myself permission to adjust my plan, routine or expectations. That is invaluable to me and something that is now permanent in my life as I move forward.

I have no regrets from my coaching with Jenni, nothing felt incomplete and the results I achieved are amazing. I now feel empowered & energized!

Jacky L.- Boston, MA

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   Contact Jenni June  


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Jenni Arnold Jenni Arnold

Before coaching I had the hardest time relaxing! I dreaded each morning because I didn’t have any down time or fun time. My inner critic was loud- my mind nonstop beat me up and I pushed myself to work harder, never allowing myself to relax.

I wanted to slow my life down but would never give myself time or permission. Jenni noticed this and gracefully allowed me to give myself permission to do meditation my own way- learning this was so freeing. This was what I needed.

Now, I feel like a new woman! Jenni has the ability to truly see people in their highest potential and creates a safe space that is gentle, opening and inspiring. I’m so glad I worked with her.

Melissa L.- Salt Lake City, UT

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