Benefits of Reiki Healing after Pregnancy Loss
As a Reiki Master, I work with a lot of women who are healing from miscarriage, or loss. It’s my own healing story that has led me to this place of being able to serve. My own pregnancy losses (2 ectopic pregnancies) led me to finding Reiki & it changed my life.
you see, after my 2nd loss had left me not only no longer pregnant, but I had also lost my left and last fallopian tube (losing the right one a year prior in my first ectopic pregnancy), I felt like every morning, I was walking around with 100 pound brick on my chest. I couldn’t take in a full breath due to the heavy grief that had settled there. I was like a walking zombie, devastated about my pregnancy loss, longing to hold my babies, reliving the traumatic moments in the hospital and angry at my body for letting me down. My eyes puffy from the constant crying & the deep hole in my chest was something I thought would never go away. I was desperate to find anything to help me heal- I wanted to feel somewhat normal again. Someone recommended Reiki, which I knew nothing about at the time, but thought, “sure! I’ll try anything to help me!” The next day, I called a local practitioner and booked the first available appointment she had!
It was only a month after my emergency surgery to remove my reputed tube & precious soul, I was lying on a massage table, fully clothed with a soft blanket facing up in a candle lit, sage infused room. The room alone felt so cozy & peaceful. The practitioner barely even touched me, but I felt the most wonderfully warm heat all over my body. With my eyes closed, I saw beautiful, shimmery colors all around me. Quickly into the session, there became no doubt that there was absolutely something very real & meaningful happening. After my 60 minute session was over, I walked out of there with my life changed. Sounds extreme? I’m not kidding, I left a renewed woman, that heavy brick feeling that had made it’s home in my chest, had shifted. I felt lighter. I could breathe again! At that time, I couldn’t physically explain what had happened, but I didn’t need to- my body feeling so refreshed was enough for me to know Reiki works.
I continued to go to session every 2 weeks until I finally felt like myself again. From that moment on, I wanted to know all about energy healing and how something like this works. I wanted to shout about my healing experience from the roof tops because more people need to experience this type of release. That’s why I became a Reiki Master & now offer this same healing to others who are in the same place I was!
What is Reiki?
Reiki (pronounced Ray-Key) is a Japanese word meaning “Universal Life Force Energy". It is a form of energy therapy. ‘Reiki addresses physical, emotional, mental and spiritual imbalances as well as help harmonize the body, mind and spirit.’ It is a form of hands-on healing that dates back thousands of years to its origins in Japan. This holistic method works on the body, mind, and spirit to stimulate the body’s own natural healing abilities.
How Does it work?
(Okay, this is where I may get a little nerdy, because I seriously love it so much!)
You are alive! Because of that, a vibrant life force is flowing through each and every cell in your body. This energy flows through your physical body through chakras (wheels). What are chakras? Chakras are spinning wheels of energy within the human body, of which there are seven along the spine, and through the neck and the crown of your head, according to the Chopra Center. ‘It also flows around us in our energy field called the aura.’
When we go through a traumatic experience, like a miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy or the heavy stress of infertility, our life force energy starts to decline. ‘Our negative thoughts or feelings attach themselves to our energy field and cause a disruption to it’s flow. This diminishes the vital functions of the organs and cells in the physical body.’
Reiki heals by flowing through our energy field, charging each chakra with positive energy. It raises our vibrational levels and causes negative energy the break a part and fall away! In so doing, Reiki clears, straightens and heals the energy pathways, thus allowing the life force to flow in a healthy and natural way.
Just imagine the most vibrant white light flowing in and around you, clearing any blocks along the way. This is the energy of life itself working to heal the body. This energy flows through the hands of the Reiki Master who is attuned to this higher vibration of energy. It is not their energy you are receiving, but energy from the Divine Source!
There are many wonderful benefits of Reiki, it usually produces quite profound effects. The main purpose of a reiki treatment is not only to support the physical body, but also to promote a positive mind so you can experience more joy in life.
After a traumatic event like miscarriage or infertility or while managing the stress of daily life or when transitions are happening in out lives, our energy levels decline. This causes us to feel “off". Reiki healing helps to maintain harmony and balance within our body’s energy filed, so we can respond to the challenges that arise with a greater since of peace and wellbeing. By balancing your energy field, it reduces stress, clears blocked Charkas and helps with mental clarity. It literally lifts your spirit!
It also helps the body heal. So like myself, I had surgery to remove my tube & my abdomen was swollen & bruised. I saw Reiki help that part of my body heal on a physical level. My big, purple gnarly bruise should have been there for a month it was so terrible, but I watched it heal in just 2 weeks.
After a treatment most people feel calm and relaxed, and some say they feel energetic, clear-minded and productive.
When I discovered how Reiki worked so well for myself- I became a Reiki Master so I could help share this with as many people as I can. Many of my clients who come for Reiki healing realize that by balancing their systems they can cope better with a wide range of health conditions, including stress, anxiety, grief, chronic pain and infertility.
Typically, clients come for one to three sessions, but very frequently obtain noticeable emotional pain and grief relief in their first session.
Do you worry that if you release the grief, you will also lose the love that you have for your baby? It’s something I worried about, but in my experience, with myself and my clients, once the emotions grief losses their hold on you, you feel the love and connection with your baby all the stronger. Instead of grief weighing you down and making you feel like your feet are concrete, that negative feeling is lifted, causing only love and the ability to move forward to be present in you life.
It is love that heals and Reiki is love!
Reiki changed my life!
I’d love to be able to share this unique healing technique with you if you are on your own healing journey after losing your precious one.
To learn more about how to schedule your appointment, Click below.
Sending you love & light, dear one!
XO, Jenni June